ETHIndia Fellowship

ETHIndia Fellowship

Hosted by Devfolio

ETHIndia Fellowship

ETHIndia Fellowship

2nd edition

  • Track 1

    The objective of Track 1 is to educate, upskill, and introduce talented Web2 developers with no prior experience with Ethereum to Web3 development. 20 high-agency Web2 developers will be selected, whose Ethereum journey we aim to kickstart with this fellowship. Their 8-week journey will be divided into three main parts — Learn. Explore. Build. They will be paired off in groups of 2-3 with allotted mentors. They will go through detailed orientations and will be given a basic understanding of the ecosystem before they begin building. The associated payout over the course of the program is $1000.

  • Track 2

    For the advanced track, the objective is to provide mentorship and support to intermediate Web3 developers, to singularly focus on building full-time develop their skills and add value to the ecosystem. We'll select the 10 best developers with significant Web3 experience, whose complete potential we can bring out with superior 1-1 mentorship and access to the community resources, enabling them to focus on building full-time. The associated payout over the course of the program is $2000.